Is your period late?
Late Period Pill Study
We want to learn about your experience taking a “period pill” that can bring back your period when it is late. The period pill uses a medicine called misoprostol which is used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers, bring on labor, treat miscarriage, and end pregnancy. This study can help us learn about new options for people with late periods.
the study involves:
Making an appointment with the study team at UCSF’s Fresno office.
you will give a urine sample
you will be given the late period pills and a pregnancy test to take home
Taking 3 doses of the period pills at home.
you will take the period pills over a course of 9 hours
the pills will start your period
Attending an online follow-up appointment.
you will take the at-home pregnancy test
fill out an online survey about your experience
can i join?
you must be 18 years or older
be able to speak English
have a period that is up to 21 days late
why should i join?
your participation is private and confidential
you will not be charged for the study medications or supplies
you may have an option to bring your period back
you will receive a $50 cash card after your follow-up appointment